Thursday, February 24, 2011

WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! I did it!!!

Here to say that I have be put in the role of STUDENT COUNCILLOR !!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! "no way!!" you say, well "yes way" I say wooooooooohooo!!!

From: Robyn and Bill Crane
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 9:07 AM
To: Courtney
Subject: Yahoo!! you did it.

Darling Courtney, Dad told me last night that you had been elected as a Student Councillor. What a wonderful achievement!! You must be so proud and I know what a lot of effort you put into your application. It is amazing what can happen if you try hard enough and put every effort into achieving that aim. I told you that this year would be very special so have fun and make many special memories. I know the importance of being willing to accept these special challenges and the wonderful opportunities they can create as you go through life. I am so proud of you. Lots of special love Grandma.

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