Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lots of News

Over the last week a lot has happened in the girls world - most of it Dad missed because he was in Karratha.

Nana and Grandad have headed off on their holiday after some last minute hiccups, hopefully they are having a wonderful time.

Brooke went to the dentist and had a pesky tooth pulled. One of her baby teeth had hung in for far too long and the adult tooth was growing in behind it. We hope that things straighten themselves out now there is some room to move.

Courtney had her learning journey at school - Mum and Pa got to see all her great work.

Brooke won her 200 meter race at school and is very happy with herself.

The girls demanded to be woken at 5:30am this mornign to watch the luna eclipse - amazingly they made it through the day - they even went to a baby expo with Uncle Peter and Aunty Kirstie and did not have a melt down.

Mum and the girls have moved into Nana and Grandad's house whilst they are away.

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