Sunday, May 06, 2007

Something New

Yesterday the girls went with Mum and Isaac to theirs friends, Holly and Lachlan’s new farm. They went on a motorbike and drove a car, all the way around the farm. Brooke fed the llamas and the sheep. The girls helped make a big fire and they also but sticks onto a little camp fire. Courtney went in to the bush and Lachlan showed them a big rock slippery dip. Courtney got lost in the bush but she found her way out by looking for the smoke from the fire.

Last night the girls decided to take Crabbie (the hermit crab) out of his cage for some exercise. They promptly forgot all about him/her and 20 minutes later he had made his escape attempt into another room. CJ was very upset with herself that she had not taken responsibility for Crabbie.

Today the girls had a quiet day inside. They watched a video of when CJ was about 18 months old. It is amazing how long they can maintain their attention, walking themselves.

Okay - now for something new. Below is a video that we made today. For those of you still on dialup, it may take sometime to load up. You might need to click the play button a couple of times to get it going.

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