Thursday, August 18, 2005

One year on

Believe it or not, thecranegirls website is now officially a year old. It's worth going through the archives and having a quick walk through the last twelve months. Hopefully, we'll still be going in the years to come.
As you can see below, the site only gets (on average) one or two "hits" per day and it is assumed that on most occasions, Dad and Pa are the culprits. In fact, in the last seven days only one person has visited the site for the first time - "surfed in" we guess.

Dad has convinced someone else to have a go at keeping a web blog (online diary) as well. We'll put a link to this new site up once all the bugs have been ironed out and the author is ready for public display. Stay tuned.

In general girl news, Brooke has a orange/red spot on her head where she painted herself - seems her daycare does not use water based paints. The girls have a new house, the best one yet - heaps of room, a sand pit and a tree house... Accident and Emergency, here we come.

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