Sunday, April 10, 2005

Big weekend

On Saturday afternoon, the girls took Pa to the duck park. Courtney has developed a phobia of a certain breed of water bird (not a duck) after it leapt off the ground and snapped her finger whilst trying to get the bread. No harm done, just a fright.
On Sunday afternoon Dad and the girls went to Mr Burke's farm. There were heaps kids to play with, chickens, dogs, horses and ponies to feed and a dam where the girls had a ride in a canoe. Being scattered all over the state as well, the Burke's were having a belated Easter gathering so the Crane girls lucked out getting to gate-crash another families Easter egg hunt.
A big day, the girls liked life on the farm, just not the mud and droppings etc. Thanks to the Burke family for letting us join in on your day.
Sunday evening was filled up with Mum's birthday dinner at Nana and Grandad's house although the girls arrived late, full of chocolate, smelling of farm animals and dam mud.... Dad's fault.

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