Thursday, January 20, 2005

News from the North

The week we've been getting daily reports from Courtney about how her trip is going. In short, she is having a ball. She has so many stories to tell each night about swimming, visiting her cousins and all the other things that she manages to fit into a day.

Grandma and Pa sound like they are having a great time as well although we bet they are looking forward to a quiet cup of tea with their feet up at the end of the week. CJ is home on Sunday afternoon.

Brooke is still pretty upset about CJ being away. She talks to Courtney on the phone and there is normally a huge protest to get to hang the phone up. This afternoon, Brooke climbed up three stairs and then announced that she was bigger (taller/higher) and that she could go on the plane.

It'll be interesting to see how they greet each other on Sunday and how Brooke goes when Courtney tells her all about her week in the Pilbara.

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