In the early hours of this morning, Courtney did another first. She broke her arm, well fractured it at least. CJ fell out of her bed and obviously landed on (or broke her fall) with her right arm. She also managed to wack her chin on something as well. After the mandatory period of crying (during which Brooke got bored and went back to bed) Dad came over and the Painstop kicked in a CJ fell asleep. Mum and Dad decided that an immediate trip to A+E was not required.
This morning the Doctor sent Courtney for an Xray and that showed the result.

CJ has a 'half cast' (Not very PC) on her arm. It's more like a U shaped splint instead of the old fashion plaster wrap. She is a little worried about going to school and not being able to write.
This morning the Doctor sent Courtney for an Xray and that showed the result.

CJ has a 'half cast' (Not very PC) on her arm. It's more like a U shaped splint instead of the old fashion plaster wrap. She is a little worried about going to school and not being able to write.

Needless to say, Mum has blacklist the bunk bed and it was taken out this afternoon, replaced with a boring old single bed. At least if she falls out, it's only a foot or so to the ground. CJ's bunk bed is officially on the market.
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