Today the girls went to a family picnic day put on by Dad's social club. It was fantastic and the girls had a ball. They had every ride that the girls would have gone on at the Royal Show without the cues (and cost)

They drove go-carts, went on dodge'em cars, bouncey castles, ferris wheels, pony rides etc as well as having face painting, ice creams and fairy floss. A huge day for them (and Mum and Dad) and they are still tucking into the lollies from the show bags.
As always Brooke wanted to do everything that Courtney was... including climbing to the top of a huge blow up slide. As the pictures show, Brookes reaction at the top was a bit different to CJ's and she had to be 'helped' down by one of the older kids.

They drove go-carts, went on dodge'em cars, bouncey castles, ferris wheels, pony rides etc as well as having face painting, ice creams and fairy floss. A huge day for them (and Mum and Dad) and they are still tucking into the lollies from the show bags.
As always Brooke wanted to do everything that Courtney was... including climbing to the top of a huge blow up slide. As the pictures show, Brookes reaction at the top was a bit different to CJ's and she had to be 'helped' down by one of the older kids.

There are a lot more photos on the other page
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