Last night, the girls made a list of five things that they wanted to do over the weekend. It came as no surprise that going to Wildkiz was on top of the list. So this morning we went there. One of the first things that the girls wanted to do was get their faces painted. Brooke went for her standard butterfly however Courtney asked to be an alien... Looks like the face painting lady thinks that Shek is an alien. Still, Courtney loved it.
Brooke was really brave. She went all the way to the top and down the big, turning slide...

She even went down the long, dark slide, which is almost pitch black inside... She looks relaxed enough.
Having said that, Brooke again found her nose out of joint. She was not able to go on the bumper cars because she is not 4 years old, nor is she 95cm tall. Dad tried to explain but it was hard not to laugh when she said "I am big, and I know what is best for people."
Poor Brooke she wasn't even allowed to go on the big blow up, bouncing toys.
When we got home, the girls opened the cafe' and Brooke served afternoon tea.
Afterwards, we all headed out the front for a new game that Dad thought off. Boule. Courtney loves it (always has) but Brooke thinks that it is better to be charge and she messures the distance between the balls.
All up, it's been a really big day with some great moments, like Brooke running past Dad, whilst trying to hide the two packets of tic tac that she had just stolen from the kitchen. Cheeky girl.