The girls' weekend did not get off to a very good start. Mum had made numerous (read hundreds) requests of late for the girls to clean up their play area. On Saturday morning, they decided to trash the area and drag every thing out on the floor and then started dragging their feet when it came pack up time. New rule in the house is that toys left out get put in the boot of Dad's car... we'll see how that goes.
Brooke is really trying hard with her toilet training, she has no interest in wearing nappies at the moment and protests everytime they are offered. She is so proud of her knickers. She's still having accidents but the penny is starting to fall that she can sort it out for herself.
The girls have discovered an important thing about Christmas = They can shake presents under the tree and try to work out what is inside. Their list of Christmas wants are growing however there are a few constants that we hope Santa will bring. We're pretty sure he won't disappoint.
After weeks of asking, Dad took the girls to Dino Jim's today. The whole place is basically a two storey padded obstacles course, ball pits, trampolines and mini putt golf course. Needless to say, they both had a ball. Courtney joined into a game of "brandy" in the ball pit during which she made herself a human shield, protecting Brooke from three of four assailants.
Brooke overcame her fears with a little help from Courtney and together they crossed the bridge (which is only about a foot wide) from one landing to another.
The girls high up (more photos on the other page)

The girls high up (more photos on the other page)
Unexpected discovery : Kids amusement centres are nearly empty on Sundays?
Tonight everyone went to Nana and Grandad's house for BBQ. Grandad is selling his MG and Courtney thinks she's like a ride in a little sports car before it leaves - expensive tastes in the making?
Did you know? : Brooke is afraid of Snails. She'll swat a bee with her bare hand but will stop dead in her tacks and shout "Nail Nail" should she see one in/near her path. Courtney on the other hand, likes to step on snails... she thinks it makes Pa happy....
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