Two very spoilt little girls woke up about 6:00am on Chirstmas morning, ignored breakfast and moved onto opening presents as soon as they were allowed. The Thomas the Tank railway and the Brat doll that Courtney had asked Santa for were there and also a heap of other things.
After a quick play with everything, it was off to Grandad and Nana's house for more presents and a lovely christmas lunch and a swim in the pool.
It was really hot early in the day but all of a sudden it started raining and the wind came up so it cooled down very quickly.
The girls received all sorts of loot. A trampoline, a table and chair set, videos, books, toys, pool noodles.... you name it, they got it. So far, their favourite presents seem to be Courtney's Nintendo Gameboy and Brooke's My Little Pony.
Last night we went up to Rob and Sue's house and we all stayed over after a few too many drinks...
Monday, December 27, 2004
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Happy Birthday Ben
Today, little (all 6 foot plus of him) Ben turned 16 years old today. Unbelievable. Sounds like you had a great day.
We all have one more year of peace on the roads - Lookout everyone !
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Getting close now
Less than a week to go until Christmas. Courtney is getting into it, she has worked out how many sleeps are left although she is not yet fully wound up with excitement - it's coming. Brooke on the other hand remains happy to go along with what ever Courtney thinks is a good idea. Having said that, she understands that presents are for unwrapping and she has been eyeing off the ones already under the tree.
CJ has written out her Christmas wish list and a letter to Santa - Top of the list is "A Thomas the Tank set with a tunnel and a bridge" and "Brats" (whatever they are) Time will see if Santa produces the goods.
This weekend has been big for birthdays. On Friday Dad turned 29 again (for the second year running) and then on Saturday the girls went to Rockingham to celebrate Little Pop's 80th.
Last night the girls tried to watch Carols by Candlelight on the television however, after the Wiggles, there were too many songs that they didn't know so their attention span didn't last very long however, Courtney wouldn't go to bed until Guy Sebastian sung his song.
Tonight was BBQ night at Nana and Grandad's again - Courtney ate EVERYTHING - We hope she doesn't have too much of a belly ache.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
40 degrees in the shade
Very hot in town today. The girls went to Nana and Grandad's this afternoon for a swim in the pool to escape the heat and then they had fish-n-chips for dinner.
Tonight Dad took the girls for a drive to find the best of the Christmas lights. We found one house that had it all... heaps of lights, dancing santa puppets, trains...everything. The people that owned the house were really nice and showed us around their front yard.
If you're out this way, check out Constellation Drive, Ocean Reef. Tell them that the Crane girls said Merry Christmas.
It ended up being a very late night.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Dino Jim's
The girls' weekend did not get off to a very good start. Mum had made numerous (read hundreds) requests of late for the girls to clean up their play area. On Saturday morning, they decided to trash the area and drag every thing out on the floor and then started dragging their feet when it came pack up time. New rule in the house is that toys left out get put in the boot of Dad's car... we'll see how that goes.
Brooke is really trying hard with her toilet training, she has no interest in wearing nappies at the moment and protests everytime they are offered. She is so proud of her knickers. She's still having accidents but the penny is starting to fall that she can sort it out for herself.
The girls have discovered an important thing about Christmas = They can shake presents under the tree and try to work out what is inside. Their list of Christmas wants are growing however there are a few constants that we hope Santa will bring. We're pretty sure he won't disappoint.
After weeks of asking, Dad took the girls to Dino Jim's today. The whole place is basically a two storey padded obstacles course, ball pits, trampolines and mini putt golf course. Needless to say, they both had a ball. Courtney joined into a game of "brandy" in the ball pit during which she made herself a human shield, protecting Brooke from three of four assailants.
Brooke overcame her fears with a little help from Courtney and together they crossed the bridge (which is only about a foot wide) from one landing to another.
The girls high up (more photos on the other page)

The girls high up (more photos on the other page)
Unexpected discovery : Kids amusement centres are nearly empty on Sundays?
Tonight everyone went to Nana and Grandad's house for BBQ. Grandad is selling his MG and Courtney thinks she's like a ride in a little sports car before it leaves - expensive tastes in the making?
Did you know? : Brooke is afraid of Snails. She'll swat a bee with her bare hand but will stop dead in her tacks and shout "Nail Nail" should she see one in/near her path. Courtney on the other hand, likes to step on snails... she thinks it makes Pa happy....
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Game Day
Today was the last session of Courtney's soccer. Mum painted both the girls faces and teased up Courtney's hair so she looked like a lion. Nana and Grandad came and watched along with Mum, Dad and Brooke. Courtney scored about 7 goals and she had a good time except for when she got hit in the face with a soccer ball - standing behind the goals.
Courtney got a medal and a certificate and the coaches made a special mention of how good the face painting was.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Grandma visits
Yesterday Grandma came to visit for a couple of nights.
This morning the girls went shopping with Grandma and Dad because Dad needed to buy some new shoes. Grandma couldn't help herself and the girls ended up with new shoes as well.... and a matchning pink dress each.
This morning the girls went shopping with Grandma and Dad because Dad needed to buy some new shoes. Grandma couldn't help herself and the girls ended up with new shoes as well.... and a matchning pink dress each.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
The Christmas Tree
Nana picked the girls up from school today and took them to Courtney's swimming and then they went back to Nana and Grandad's house for dinner, a bath and some play.
Dad picked them up and when they got home, Mum had the Christmas tree ready to be decorated. The tree looks fantastic... it looks like a Prohart masterpiece. The girls concentrated on putting all the tinsel and balls on one side of the tree. Let's just say it is almost completely covered over, not much green left to see.
Brooke has kidnapped a Santa stocking and stuffed reindeer, they are currently on her pillow, helping her count down the sleep until Christmas.
Dad picked them up and when they got home, Mum had the Christmas tree ready to be decorated. The tree looks fantastic... it looks like a Prohart masterpiece. The girls concentrated on putting all the tinsel and balls on one side of the tree. Let's just say it is almost completely covered over, not much green left to see.
Brooke has kidnapped a Santa stocking and stuffed reindeer, they are currently on her pillow, helping her count down the sleep until Christmas.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Everyone Loves a Wedding
Yesterday Courtney went to run away from home. She was headed to Isaac's house (about 20 metres up the road). Apparently one of her friends at school suggested that she leave home as a self imposed punishment for not sharing the swing.
No matter what the reason, Courtney's plan was foiled when she gave her Mum a note that said "Love Mum Love Brooke Love Dad" and she told Mum where she was going and why...
Speaking of notes written by Courtney,
This note has been stuck to Courtney's bedroom door for the last few days. She was told that she was to write nice notes (as opposed to "Isaac stay out"), it appears that she took things a bit to far...
No matter what the reason, Courtney's plan was foiled when she gave her Mum a note that said "Love Mum Love Brooke Love Dad" and she told Mum where she was going and why...
Speaking of notes written by Courtney,

This note has been stuck to Courtney's bedroom door for the last few days. She was told that she was to write nice notes (as opposed to "Isaac stay out"), it appears that she took things a bit to far...
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Swimming Pool and Blood Lips
The girls had a really busy weekend. On Saturday morning, Courtney's constant "asking" paid off. Mum called Aunty Ned and the girls got to go the Leighton's house for a play. Courtney is a little smitten on Leighton at the moment. Dad took them up to Leighton's and Mum came up later. The girls spent the whole day in and out of the swimming pool and playing with all the toys. Brooke got so warn out that she was yawning in the pool.
Courtney had a very big moment when she got knocked of a floating toy in the deep end of the pool. Even though she was panicing, she kicked her legs and thrashed her arms over to the side of the pool. A bit scary for her but she was back swimming around five minutes later.
We all had a BBQ dinner and needless to say, there were some very tired children at the end of the day. A great day had by all.
Today was busy as well. The girls went to soccer in the morning. Courtney wore her Kappa outfit and no one noticed. Then the girls went and played with Dad and Chloe. The girls made a cubby house in Dad's car while he did some gardening. Unfortunately in their haste, climbing in and out of the boot, Brooke kicked Courtney in the face and she ended up with a blood lip.
Chloe (proper introduction soon) is staying at Dad's at the moment because there is a couple of baby doves in a nest in the girls backyard, the birds are learning how to just learning how to fly and Chloe (and he belly) is taking great interest in them.
Tonight the girls went for diner at Nana and Grandad's while Dad put up his Christmas lights.
Story of the week goes to Cousin James who bumped into Grandma, pushing a shopping trolley through the toy section at the shop. Grandma had a whole lot of things in her trolley that James would like to see - Guess he'll have to wait for Christmas. 27 Sleeps
Courtney had a very big moment when she got knocked of a floating toy in the deep end of the pool. Even though she was panicing, she kicked her legs and thrashed her arms over to the side of the pool. A bit scary for her but she was back swimming around five minutes later.
We all had a BBQ dinner and needless to say, there were some very tired children at the end of the day. A great day had by all.
Today was busy as well. The girls went to soccer in the morning. Courtney wore her Kappa outfit and no one noticed. Then the girls went and played with Dad and Chloe. The girls made a cubby house in Dad's car while he did some gardening. Unfortunately in their haste, climbing in and out of the boot, Brooke kicked Courtney in the face and she ended up with a blood lip.
Chloe (proper introduction soon) is staying at Dad's at the moment because there is a couple of baby doves in a nest in the girls backyard, the birds are learning how to just learning how to fly and Chloe (and he belly) is taking great interest in them.

Tonight the girls went for diner at Nana and Grandad's while Dad put up his Christmas lights.
Story of the week goes to Cousin James who bumped into Grandma, pushing a shopping trolley through the toy section at the shop. Grandma had a whole lot of things in her trolley that James would like to see - Guess he'll have to wait for Christmas. 27 Sleeps
Thursday, November 25, 2004
School Assembly
Courtney's class at school where in charge of the assembly today. CJ had to say "Pirates wear patches on over their eyes because their eyes get hurt when they battle other pirates" and "We hope you enjoyed it"
They also got to sing a modern version of Singing in the Rain.
They also got to sing a modern version of Singing in the Rain.
Monday, November 22, 2004
A simple one liner
Tonight it was very hot at the Crane Girls house so they jumped at the chance when Dad ran a nice cool bath after dinner. While splashing around, Chloe (their dog) helped herself to what was remaining on their dinner plates.
After Mum had finished dealing with the hound, she came and stood next to Dad in the bathroom doorway and gave both the girls a stern talking to (again) about leaving their plates and how many times she had already reminded them to take them to the kitchen sink after the girls had finished eating....
Seconds after Mum has left the room to go and clean up the mess, Courtney looked very sympathetically at Dad and in a similar tone said... "I think you better write that down Dad"
Somehow Courtney, we don't think it is Dad that has to remember the instructions as they were given.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Christmas and Cricket
It's official. Christmas is coming. Courtney is starting to talk more and more about it and more importantly what she wants Santa to bring. Brooke hasn't caught on yet but she seems to be sharing in her sisters excitement.
This weekend the girls got the paints out and made some decorations for the Christmas tree. Brooke insisted that the angel be painted black (because she hadn't used that colour yet) but all up there were some very pretty patterns.
Sunday also marked the first time that the girls played cricket. They seemed to enjoy themselves - it might be a long summer if it becomes the game of choice.
The girls' great Nana, "little Nan" is not very well at the moment, she is in hospital having some tests so we are all thinking of her, let's hope she is home soon.
Mum took both the girls for a haircut on Saturday. All of Brooke's curls are gone and only time will tell if they will grow back or if they were just baby hair.
Courtney is getting frustrated that her teeth won't fall out. It seems that someone she knows has had dealings with the tooth fairy - she appears keen to see what will happen when hers fall out. She is under the impression that brushing her teeth is a good thing and will make them fall out faster...
This weekend the girls got the paints out and made some decorations for the Christmas tree. Brooke insisted that the angel be painted black (because she hadn't used that colour yet) but all up there were some very pretty patterns.
Sunday also marked the first time that the girls played cricket. They seemed to enjoy themselves - it might be a long summer if it becomes the game of choice.
The girls' great Nana, "little Nan" is not very well at the moment, she is in hospital having some tests so we are all thinking of her, let's hope she is home soon.
Mum took both the girls for a haircut on Saturday. All of Brooke's curls are gone and only time will tell if they will grow back or if they were just baby hair.
Courtney is getting frustrated that her teeth won't fall out. It seems that someone she knows has had dealings with the tooth fairy - she appears keen to see what will happen when hers fall out. She is under the impression that brushing her teeth is a good thing and will make them fall out faster...
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Memories - Jolly Bear
In the theme of recording important parts of the girls life, we should introduce Jolly Bear.
Jolly Bear
Jolly Bear was a gift from Aunty Tarita and Uncle Gavin when Courtney was born, he was her first ever toy and was there from day one. He was allocated his name by his manufactures. Jolly Bear's role is just like Woof Woof's (below) he is a security and sleeping companion however of late, Courtney has relied less and less upon him. Last weekend she left him behind after her sleep over and simply accepted that he wasn't available the following night.
Having said that, Jolly Bear has been (and will continue to be) by Courtney's side during most of her travels.
Being a newborns toy, he has a rattle inside him. He remains in fairly good condition all these years later however his eyes are starting to get a bit ratty of late.

Jolly Bear
Jolly Bear was a gift from Aunty Tarita and Uncle Gavin when Courtney was born, he was her first ever toy and was there from day one. He was allocated his name by his manufactures. Jolly Bear's role is just like Woof Woof's (below) he is a security and sleeping companion however of late, Courtney has relied less and less upon him. Last weekend she left him behind after her sleep over and simply accepted that he wasn't available the following night.
Having said that, Jolly Bear has been (and will continue to be) by Courtney's side during most of her travels.
Being a newborns toy, he has a rattle inside him. He remains in fairly good condition all these years later however his eyes are starting to get a bit ratty of late.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
All Together
It has been a really big weekend. On Firday night, Mum and the girls had a sleep over at Uncle Rob and Aunty Sue's house but that was just the begining.
All of the Crane Girls' cousins are in town at the moment and for the first time in ages all the kids got together in the one place at the same time. Now, a bunch of hopeful parents thought that they could get five kids to quietly sit for a family photo.... this is the best one Dad has seen so far. Note how James is stopping Marcus from running away.
All the kids - See photo page for larger image
All of the Crane Girls' cousins are in town at the moment and for the first time in ages all the kids got together in the one place at the same time. Now, a bunch of hopeful parents thought that they could get five kids to quietly sit for a family photo.... this is the best one Dad has seen so far. Note how James is stopping Marcus from running away.

All the kids - See photo page for larger image
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Memories - Woof Woof
Dad thought it would be a good idea to start recording all those little things that the girls might want to look back on some day. Everyone, meet Woof Woof.
Woof Woof
Woof Woof belongs to Brooke, he is her bed time buddy but also gets involved in a lot of the things she does during the day. Officially, Woof Woof is a 22cm long "Beagle Silky Pup" made by Korimco but to Brooke he is just a friend. He was a gift from Grandma and Pa for Christmas 2003 and she took to him straight away. Initially he was very very soft to touch however time (and a little abuse) has caused him to become a little crusty these days, even after a wash. You can see in the photo the pink patch on his front leg, this is where Brooke "accidentally" coloured him with a texta not so long ago. Woof Woof spends most nights with Brooke as he is a part of her sleep ritual now, in addition he is also sought out when Brooke is upset or just in need of a little security. Woof Woof goes most places with Brooke, rarely left behind on any outing.

Woof Woof
Woof Woof belongs to Brooke, he is her bed time buddy but also gets involved in a lot of the things she does during the day. Officially, Woof Woof is a 22cm long "Beagle Silky Pup" made by Korimco but to Brooke he is just a friend. He was a gift from Grandma and Pa for Christmas 2003 and she took to him straight away. Initially he was very very soft to touch however time (and a little abuse) has caused him to become a little crusty these days, even after a wash. You can see in the photo the pink patch on his front leg, this is where Brooke "accidentally" coloured him with a texta not so long ago. Woof Woof spends most nights with Brooke as he is a part of her sleep ritual now, in addition he is also sought out when Brooke is upset or just in need of a little security. Woof Woof goes most places with Brooke, rarely left behind on any outing.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Caitlin's Christening
The girls had a really big weekend which included going to Caitlin's christening on Sunday.
Dad was honored to be there as her god father. It was also really good to catch up with her family. We had lunch at a restaurant and then went back to Caitlin's house and both the girls had a swim in the pool. Brooke love jumping into the water, even though she knows that she can't float - Brooke is the reason why pool fences are mandatory. All up a great day.
As a side issue, attending the christening was most likely the most exposure to religion that the girls had experienced. There were lots and lots of questions which Dad did his best to field. Brooke, obviously, didn't take any of it in but she enjoyed all the singing. Courtney on the other hand tried to interpret what was going on. I think she might have been a little confused by it all - Every answer raised new questions. Still, an event worth mentioning.
Working backwards, On Saturday the girls went to yet another "new park". That must mean that they have now been to every park within 15kms of home. This one was up with the best of them - it was like the duck park (because it has duck) but it had 5 slides, two side by side so the girls could race each other - we'll be going back there soon.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Tonight the girls went to Sizzler with Dad. Courtney insisted that she be allowed to try "the other lettuce" - Courtney now knows that she doesn't like spinach. Brooke on the other hand snubbed her nose at all the food on offer and ate her body weight in french toast.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Hubba Bubba and Fashion
Almost forgot - In the lollie bag Courtney received at the end of her friends birthday party was a single piece of Hubba Bubba chewing gum. Dad knew it was risky should have known better, but... It was stressed to her at least ten times however, Courtney swallowed the gum within the first minute of putting it in her mouth. The worried look on her face when she said "Ummmm Dad...." was priceless.
In other news, Dad tried to buy Courtney a soccer outfit today. The only Perth Glory colours he could find were made by a company called Kappa. They have a very unique logo...
Both Mum and Dad are still deciding if she'll be wearing the shirt (and matching shorts) to soccer this weekend.
The Kappa Logo
In other news, Dad tried to buy Courtney a soccer outfit today. The only Perth Glory colours he could find were made by a company called Kappa. They have a very unique logo...
Both Mum and Dad are still deciding if she'll be wearing the shirt (and matching shorts) to soccer this weekend.

The Kappa Logo
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Gate Crashing at 2
On Friday afternoon Courtney went to her a birthday party for a friend of hers from school, Chloe. The party was at Jungle Gym and both the girls had a great time, swinging from the Tarzan rope, jumping on the trampoline and generally falling on their heads. Brooke wasn't actually invited however once she saw all the fun being had, she crashed it anyway.
On Saturday we played outside for a majority of the day, the girls helped out in the garden making mud pies and mixing dead leaves in a bucket of water.
Today Courtney went to soccer and again, Brooke crashed that as well. We guess there is only so many times that you can sit on the sidelines watching.
This afternoon we went to a new park (Dad's running out of new parks). We went to one that had a lake as well as a play ground and there was also a long path that we walked down. The girls saw and heard a kookaburra, they think it was laughing at Brooke but neither of them could say why.
Tomorrow CJ has school swimming and Brooke has her normal swimming lessons to go to. Let's hope that their ears don't play up or there will be some sleepless nights coming up for Mum.
On Saturday we played outside for a majority of the day, the girls helped out in the garden making mud pies and mixing dead leaves in a bucket of water.
Today Courtney went to soccer and again, Brooke crashed that as well. We guess there is only so many times that you can sit on the sidelines watching.
This afternoon we went to a new park (Dad's running out of new parks). We went to one that had a lake as well as a play ground and there was also a long path that we walked down. The girls saw and heard a kookaburra, they think it was laughing at Brooke but neither of them could say why.
Tomorrow CJ has school swimming and Brooke has her normal swimming lessons to go to. Let's hope that their ears don't play up or there will be some sleepless nights coming up for Mum.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Swimming Lesson
Today Dad got away from work a little earlier and took Courtney to her swimming lessons. Courtney floated on her back all by herself and had a really great time. Dad was very surprised as to how much she had improved lately.
Then we picked up Brooke and went to the park for a play. Brooke is fearless on the swings and does not understand that there is a limit to how high she can go, she thinks the chain going slack when you get high enough is funny.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Another great weekend
Last Saturday the girls had a big win. Seconds after talking Dad into going to Mcdonalds for lunch, Mr Whippy pulled into the street and started playing his music. Icecream for all ! That night, we all went to Nana and Grandad's for dinner before they headed off on their holiday - we hope they have a great time and the girls can't wait for their post card.
Brooke has taken to making mischief with textas. Twice on the weekend, she stopped using the paper and started coulouring in her hands and arms instead. Very pretty but also very messy
Sunday was spent in the garden, spreading some mulch around and taking care of the vegetable garden. The carrot seeds have sprouted so there should be fresh vegi's available soon.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
The Vegi Garden
Courtney wanted to make a surprise for Mum today so Dad took the girls down to Bunnings to get some supplies. While we were there, we found that there was a workshop being held for kids craft so the girls each painted a flower pot for their Mum.
Then while we were picking out flower seedlings to put in the pots, the girls thought it would be a good idea if we grew a vegetable patch. So, we now have a little vegi garden in the back yard at Dad's house. Hopefully Dad will remember to water the seedlings...
This afternoon the girls went to Daisy and Matilda's house for a BBQ and a big play. A great afternoon and the girls now have two new friends and they have already arranged to play again some day soon.
Then it was off to Nana and Grandad's for dinner. Dad forgot to bring everyone's shoes and drink bottles and also Brooke's nigh nigh - silly Dad.
Unfortunately, Mum's flower pots fell over and most of the potting mix is now on the floor of Dad's car. We hope that the flowers survive.
Back to school for Courtney tomorrow.
Friday, October 15, 2004
A new park
Today Mum and Dad took the girls on an outing to a big park where there were lots of play grounds, a train, a bouncing castle and other rides. One of the things to do was drive some electric cars. Courtney drove whilst Brooke sat in the passengers seat. Unfortunately CJ's legs were not quite long enough to push the accelerator pedal all the way down so they couldn't go much faster than a snail. The lady that was in control of the ride told Dad to get on the back and push the pedals.
In one of the playgrounds was a dome shaped ride that the girls sat in whilst some boys spun it around and around really fast - kind of like a childrens 'Gravitron' ride. The girls loved it.
Tonight, whilst Mum was playing netball, the girls took to washing each others hair in the bath. It would seem that you can get your hair really clean when you use half a bottle of shampoo.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
"Courtney. I think your lost"
Today didn't start of the best. Dad had told Courtney that we could ALL go out somewhere when Brooke wasn't at school. At breakfast Dad overheard Courtney telling Brooke that we would do something fun if she didn't go to school.... Not surprisingly, Brooke wanted to take the day off from daycare. She went anyway.
Dad and Courtney spent the morning doing science experiments together. We measured our shadows at different times of the day, we made Outrageous-Ooze and also made fizzy mixes with bi-carb soda, detergent and vinegar. We are still waiting for the sun the get warm enough to evaporate the salt water.
Then we went into the garden and started working when Courtney came up with a plan. We could walk to the park that she went to with Pa, the duck park (two suburbs away) apparently. Wanting to see the result, Dad agreed and we spent the next twenty minutes or so, walking the streets, looking for the park before... We came out of an alley way and found ourselves standing right where we had started - Courtney had navigated us in a big loop. We ended up going to the park after Brooke finished school.
We're told that Brooke had a great day at school. Apparently she has a little friend called Emily and they go everywhere together. We're told that they are toilet training each other - every twenty minutes or so. Sounds like the daycare staff are getting it easy with those two.
Dad and Courtney spent the morning doing science experiments together. We measured our shadows at different times of the day, we made Outrageous-Ooze and also made fizzy mixes with bi-carb soda, detergent and vinegar. We are still waiting for the sun the get warm enough to evaporate the salt water.
Then we went into the garden and started working when Courtney came up with a plan. We could walk to the park that she went to with Pa, the duck park (two suburbs away) apparently. Wanting to see the result, Dad agreed and we spent the next twenty minutes or so, walking the streets, looking for the park before... We came out of an alley way and found ourselves standing right where we had started - Courtney had navigated us in a big loop. We ended up going to the park after Brooke finished school.
We're told that Brooke had a great day at school. Apparently she has a little friend called Emily and they go everywhere together. We're told that they are toilet training each other - every twenty minutes or so. Sounds like the daycare staff are getting it easy with those two.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
School Holidays
Unfortunately, Brooke still goes to school (day care) even though it is school holidays. A pitty because she missed out on all the fun that Courtney and Dad had today. First we went to Bunnings and went shopping and then we went to the Jungle Gym and played putt-putt golf before Courtney went and played on the climbing gear and in the ball pit.
Then we went shopping and bought Courtney a new pair of shoes. Courtney chose the ones with pick star on the side (Converse)
After lunch we went home and repotted a plant, put fertilizer on Pa's roses and fixed a gate, and then it was time to pick Brooke up. She was in a really good mood - most likely because she slept for an hour and a half in the afternoon.
Then we went to the park for a little while before we went to Mum's house.
Tonight the girls are having a sleep over. Courtney and Dad are going to have a quiet day tomorrow because Brooke is at school tomorrow again and we don't want her to miss out on too much.
Courtney's quote for the day "The big hand is on the twelve, the little hand is on the seven, so its eleven thirty!"
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Election Result
John Howard is returned as the Prime Minister of Australia, defeating the Mark Latham from the Australian Labour Party.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
The Royal Show
The girls went to the Royal Show with Mum and Dad - we've only just made it home.
We all caught the trains to the show and then the girls went for a ride on real horses. We had all sorts of food, fairy floss etc and a lot of rides. We saw the Dorothy the Dinosour show with Waggs, Henry and Captin Feathersword. Courtney even went on the bumper cars. Both the girls had some face painting, more rides, lots of show bags, glow sticks and to finish the day off - fireworks! It offical, Courtney is over her fear of fireworks - We think she quite liked them at the end of the night.
All up a HUGE day. The girls were very well behaved and had a fantastic time.
No doubt they will sleep well tonight.
Monday, October 04, 2004
The Sty Eye
Courtney has a sty. Not that you would know it - she seems happy enough until she is reminded about it being there. See the sad little blue eye on the photo page.
Two more sleeps until the Royal Show - Mum has written up a list of all the things we are going to see and do (and show bags to buy).
Sunday, October 03, 2004
School Holidays begin
On Friday night, the girls went to a Isaacs house to play, while Mum played netball.
Saturday morning Dad took the girls to Duck Park again and we all played soccer (there is no practice during school holidays) and mucked around on the swings. Brooke was fascinated by the duck and her duckling, she wanted to play with them but Dad said she couldn't touch.
Dad went to work on Saturday night so he missed out on going to the cinemas with the girls, Mum, Isaac and his little brother Jasper. They all went to watch A Sharks Tale, no doubt we'll all see it again soon.
Mum, Dad and the girls are going to the Royal Show on Wednesday - Maybe we'll see you there.
Dad is going on a trip next weekend to see James, Cameron and Marcus. He promises to get some updated photos.
Saturday morning Dad took the girls to Duck Park again and we all played soccer (there is no practice during school holidays) and mucked around on the swings. Brooke was fascinated by the duck and her duckling, she wanted to play with them but Dad said she couldn't touch.
Dad went to work on Saturday night so he missed out on going to the cinemas with the girls, Mum, Isaac and his little brother Jasper. They all went to watch A Sharks Tale, no doubt we'll all see it again soon.
Mum, Dad and the girls are going to the Royal Show on Wednesday - Maybe we'll see you there.
Dad is going on a trip next weekend to see James, Cameron and Marcus. He promises to get some updated photos.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Mummy's little girl
Brooke is going through a phase of not wanting to leave her Mum's side. See balked going to daycare today, choosing to spend the day with Mum. Dad is getting a little bit of the cold shoulder at the moment as well.
Both Mum and Courtney's eyes are a lot better and to date it doesn't look like Brooke it has spread to Brooke or Dad.
Courtney went swimming today, she had fun going down the slippery slide that runs into the pool. She was most impressed with herself for sneaking onto the slide whilst there was a birthday party using it.
In other news, apparently something called "The Show" is going to happen soon. Sounds like one of the parents at Courtney's school has broken the vow or silence.
Both Mum and Courtney's eyes are a lot better and to date it doesn't look like Brooke it has spread to Brooke or Dad.
Courtney went swimming today, she had fun going down the slippery slide that runs into the pool. She was most impressed with herself for sneaking onto the slide whilst there was a birthday party using it.
In other news, apparently something called "The Show" is going to happen soon. Sounds like one of the parents at Courtney's school has broken the vow or silence.
Monday, September 27, 2004
We're back.
This is starting to sound like a medical diary.
Monday comes again and Mum and girls are off to the Doctor (read back through the last few weeks and you’ll see what I mean) Both Courtney and Mum have conjunctivitis. Not really bad, but enough to make them uncomfortable. No doubt Brooke will come down with it soon.
Caught up with the travellers from up North last night. Hopefully there won't be too much yelling at each other across the nullabor. Travellers tip #472 - always tie down the things on the roof rack. Seems obvious but some people will forget. Have a great tip y'all. No doubt the girls will get to see you on the way back.
Dad has finally fixed the bar at the top of the page, he’s added a photo page and also a fancy effect on this page. Roll your mouse over the photo in the top right corner – it should change from one of the girls to the other – He intends to change the photo weekly.
Monday comes again and Mum and girls are off to the Doctor (read back through the last few weeks and you’ll see what I mean) Both Courtney and Mum have conjunctivitis. Not really bad, but enough to make them uncomfortable. No doubt Brooke will come down with it soon.
Caught up with the travellers from up North last night. Hopefully there won't be too much yelling at each other across the nullabor. Travellers tip #472 - always tie down the things on the roof rack. Seems obvious but some people will forget. Have a great tip y'all. No doubt the girls will get to see you on the way back.
Dad has finally fixed the bar at the top of the page, he’s added a photo page and also a fancy effect on this page. Roll your mouse over the photo in the top right corner – it should change from one of the girls to the other – He intends to change the photo weekly.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
Accident and Emergency
The "Snow Balls" didn't last long. Courtney was holding both hers and Brooke's when she decided to clap them together, smashing Brooke's. And Brooke's woes didn't end there. Dad and Brooke made a trip to A and E last night with an ear infection. She went back to the Doctor this afternoon and is getting closer to being her happy self again.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Train ride to the city
The Crane girls are sound asleep at the moment. They desperately needed a rest after going to bed late and waking up early. (Brooke at 2:00am - the first time)
Today the girls went to Courtney’s soccer and then Dad took them for a train ride into the city for lunch. They went shopping and each bought a stamp and a “snow ball” (glass dome filled with liquid and glitter), just like the one on Mary Poppins – except they have Kangaroos and Koalas inside.
On the way into town Brooke wasn’t very keen on the train. On the way home, she wanted to stand on the chairs and sing songs to herself (and everyone else in the carriage).
Today the girls went to Courtney’s soccer and then Dad took them for a train ride into the city for lunch. They went shopping and each bought a stamp and a “snow ball” (glass dome filled with liquid and glitter), just like the one on Mary Poppins – except they have Kangaroos and Koalas inside.
On the way into town Brooke wasn’t very keen on the train. On the way home, she wanted to stand on the chairs and sing songs to herself (and everyone else in the carriage).
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Tonight the girls watched The Wizard of Oz for the very first time. Funny, they didn’t even notice the television had turned black and white at the beginning, it was just accepted.
Courtney was glued to it the whole time but Brooke didn’t like the Wicked Witch from the West or her hired goons, the flying monkeys. Sometimes it’s easier to bury your face into the couch and wait for the next happy song to start.
In short, an old classic has two new fans.
Courtney was glued to it the whole time but Brooke didn’t like the Wicked Witch from the West or her hired goons, the flying monkeys. Sometimes it’s easier to bury your face into the couch and wait for the next happy song to start.
In short, an old classic has two new fans.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
The Duck Park
Another big weekend. The girls went to Mcdonalds on Saturday morning and played on the slides and then we pulled weeds and picked lots of flowers in Pa's garden. We also went to "the duck park" twice and played on the swings there. Brooke, being her normal fearless self, wanted to do everything that Courtney could - and then some.
CJ climbed to the highest branch in the tree in Mum's backyard - "the one that Isaac climbs to"
Anyway, it was such a big weekend (and a late Saturday night) that the girls had an afternoon sleep before heading to Nana and Grandad's for BBQ.
We hear that Cameron is getting into playing guitar and that the renovation is finished at James and Marcus' house. Hopefully their garden can be bought back to life now that they're home again.
Two of Dad's friends changed jobs this week (Dad got promoted twice without doing a thing). We hope that their new jobs are great and all that they wished for.
CJ climbed to the highest branch in the tree in Mum's backyard - "the one that Isaac climbs to"
Anyway, it was such a big weekend (and a late Saturday night) that the girls had an afternoon sleep before heading to Nana and Grandad's for BBQ.
We hear that Cameron is getting into playing guitar and that the renovation is finished at James and Marcus' house. Hopefully their garden can be bought back to life now that they're home again.
Two of Dad's friends changed jobs this week (Dad got promoted twice without doing a thing). We hope that their new jobs are great and all that they wished for.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Another First
Courtney took another big "step" yesterday. During her swimming lesson she took off from Mum and swam a little way all by herself for the first time. We're guessing that Brooke is wondering what all the fuss is about, if she was allowed she'd swim all the way to the bottom of the pool every chance she got. Brooke will have to wait for her ear infection to fully go away before she'll get her chance to catch up.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Merit Certificate
Today was Courtney’s big day. Mum, Dad, Brooke, Nana and Grandad all went to school this morning to watch Courtney get her Merit Certificate for “Her wonderful contributions during group discussions”. No matter how hard we tried the family couldn’t have been as proud of Courtney as she was of herself. Well done Courtney, we are all very proud of you.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Happy Birthday Marcus
A big day for everyone.
Firstly, it was Cousin Marcus’ first birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We hope he had a great day! Sorry we couldn’t have all been there as well.
Secondly, it was Fathers Day. Along with some beautiful cards, the girls got Dad a bonsai tree. Hopefully he will remember to water it and keep trimming the leaves or otherwise it won’t be little for very long.
Courtney scored lots of goals at soccer in the morning and then the girls played all day before we all went to Nana and Grandad’s house for dinner.
Pa must have had a very busy day as well with Marcus, James and Cameron because he was out when we tried to call… we’ll speak to you tomorrow Pa.Big news – tomorrow Courtney is going to get a Merit Certificate at the school assembly, she can’t wait and we’re all very proud.
Firstly, it was Cousin Marcus’ first birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We hope he had a great day! Sorry we couldn’t have all been there as well.
Secondly, it was Fathers Day. Along with some beautiful cards, the girls got Dad a bonsai tree. Hopefully he will remember to water it and keep trimming the leaves or otherwise it won’t be little for very long.
Courtney scored lots of goals at soccer in the morning and then the girls played all day before we all went to Nana and Grandad’s house for dinner.
Pa must have had a very busy day as well with Marcus, James and Cameron because he was out when we tried to call… we’ll speak to you tomorrow Pa.Big news – tomorrow Courtney is going to get a Merit Certificate at the school assembly, she can’t wait and we’re all very proud.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Sports Day
Today was Courtney's sports day at school. Courtney's team won and she got "a ticket for doing well"
Monday, August 30, 2004
No school today
Courtney missed school today with a little bit of a cold. She came good this afternoon and then, you guessed it, Brooke went down hill. Another sleepless night for mum, listening to coughing.
Not really much to say today.
To those of you facing something new, and you know who you are, We wish you well - Good luck
Not really much to say today.
To those of you facing something new, and you know who you are, We wish you well - Good luck
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Goodbye Pa - We'll see you soon
Pa has decided that his leg is now well enough to return home. After three months in Perth, we bet he's glad to get home again. His leg is definitely on the mend, we'll see how much longer it takes to heal totally. The girls are missing you already Pa. Dad is missing your company already. We know we'll see you soon.
Another weekend gone. Mum rolled her ankle playing netball on Friday night, it seems okay just a little purple and a lot sore. Dad went to see the Eagles play on Saturday and then the girls came over for a sleep over. Brooke and Dad were going to take Pa to the airport but Dad's car had a flat battery so he had to catch a taxi.
We all went and watched Courtney play soccer this morning and this afternoon, Courtney and Dad worked on fixing the car battery. Courtney now knows about as much mechanical information as her father. Perhaps we'll leave the lessons up to Grandad from here on.
The girls learnt a new card game today - Fish. We've only played one game - Brooke won. We prefer to play it when you can see everyone else's cards.
A big "HI" to our friend Cassie who won a spelling contest at school this week. Cassie beat a whole lot of other kids from all across the top end of Australia to get into the finals - Good Luck !
Another weekend gone. Mum rolled her ankle playing netball on Friday night, it seems okay just a little purple and a lot sore. Dad went to see the Eagles play on Saturday and then the girls came over for a sleep over. Brooke and Dad were going to take Pa to the airport but Dad's car had a flat battery so he had to catch a taxi.
We all went and watched Courtney play soccer this morning and this afternoon, Courtney and Dad worked on fixing the car battery. Courtney now knows about as much mechanical information as her father. Perhaps we'll leave the lessons up to Grandad from here on.
The girls learnt a new card game today - Fish. We've only played one game - Brooke won. We prefer to play it when you can see everyone else's cards.
A big "HI" to our friend Cassie who won a spelling contest at school this week. Cassie beat a whole lot of other kids from all across the top end of Australia to get into the finals - Good Luck !
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Dad goes to school
Today Dad took a day off work and went to Courtney's school as the duty parent. After Dad left a boy punched Courtney in the stomach - we still don't know why and neither does he?
Pa went to the skin specialist, he is just about fully healed now and will be going home within the next week so he won't miss Marcus' birthday.
We all went to Sizzler tonight for dinner.
The girls are not going well sleeping in the same room - time will see if they settle down but Mum is already thinking about changing the rooms back.
Pa went to the skin specialist, he is just about fully healed now and will be going home within the next week so he won't miss Marcus' birthday.
We all went to Sizzler tonight for dinner.
The girls are not going well sleeping in the same room - time will see if they settle down but Mum is already thinking about changing the rooms back.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
It looks like Dad has mucked around with the "javascript thingy" too much. Notice how the grey header at the top is all overlapping and impossible to read - Dad did that!
We've all had a good weekend. Courtney had soccer this morning and then we went home and spent the day drawing etc in an attempt to avoid the weather. Mum went to the markets, no doubt the girls got spoilt there.
Dads ongoing attempts to convert Brooke to the West Coast Eagles was helped along by the result of the Western Derby. Poor Courtney is very upset with the Dockers
Hopefully Brooke's sniffles will go away and she'll be able to go swimming tomorrow. Dad is a duty parent at CJ's school on Tuesday morning and then he'll take Pa to the doctor, hopefully for the last time.
Waiting to see what the result of the girls sharing a room is.
We've all had a good weekend. Courtney had soccer this morning and then we went home and spent the day drawing etc in an attempt to avoid the weather. Mum went to the markets, no doubt the girls got spoilt there.
Dads ongoing attempts to convert Brooke to the West Coast Eagles was helped along by the result of the Western Derby. Poor Courtney is very upset with the Dockers
Hopefully Brooke's sniffles will go away and she'll be able to go swimming tomorrow. Dad is a duty parent at CJ's school on Tuesday morning and then he'll take Pa to the doctor, hopefully for the last time.
Waiting to see what the result of the girls sharing a room is.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Are Netball and Soccer olympic sports?
After an extended period of asking, the girls went to watched mum, Aunty Kirstie and Uncle Peter play netball last night. Although they won, the girls apparently got a bit bored not being a part of the action.
CJ is wildly supporting Australia at the Olympics and preferred to cheer on the double sculls this afternoon rather than watch The Cat in the Hat. Brooke and Dad are looking forward to when the Eagles beat the Dockers tomorrow.
Grandma is in Perth until Monday, looking after Pa and his ever healing leg. Courtney has soccer tomorrow morning and a birthday party in the afternoon - busy day. Mum has been moving furniture and the girls now share a bedroom - Hopefully everyone can start getting a full nights sleep. And, Brooke's face has just about cleared up after that cat attack.
Dad wants you to check out the calendar (if it's working).
Dad has just done some work on Mum's computer. She had four different infections of the W32.mydoom.M@mm virus which might explain why her computer was going so slow. Being that it is a mass mailing virus, Dad suggests everyone makes sure their virus software is up to date or they should download the removal tool (or dad will email it to you - it's only 156KB)
CJ is wildly supporting Australia at the Olympics and preferred to cheer on the double sculls this afternoon rather than watch The Cat in the Hat. Brooke and Dad are looking forward to when the Eagles beat the Dockers tomorrow.
Grandma is in Perth until Monday, looking after Pa and his ever healing leg. Courtney has soccer tomorrow morning and a birthday party in the afternoon - busy day. Mum has been moving furniture and the girls now share a bedroom - Hopefully everyone can start getting a full nights sleep. And, Brooke's face has just about cleared up after that cat attack.
Dad wants you to check out the calendar (if it's working).
Dad has just done some work on Mum's computer. She had four different infections of the W32.mydoom.M@mm virus which might explain why her computer was going so slow. Being that it is a mass mailing virus, Dad suggests everyone makes sure their virus software is up to date or they should download the removal tool (or dad will email it to you - it's only 156KB)
100 % Courtney's
todadmumioveiiove c o u r t n e y
(This is 100% Courtney's first ever diary entry. She'll get the hang of the space bar soon)
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Milly Molly Mandy
The girls have had little cold for the last few days but it looks like they are getting on top of them. Brooke went to daycare today and by all accounts she had fun. She's going two days a week now - lucky girl - maybe she'll paint or make something that can post on the site.
The girls went to Nana and Grandad's house tonight for dinner. CJ finished of Milly Molly Mandy (a book with long tongue twisting names) last night so no doubt Mum has hidden that one away for a while.
Grandma gets to Perth tomorrow. Pa went and saw the Doctor about his leg yesterday and all is healing well now. He's up walking around a little, trimming roses etc.
Sorry if you found the popup Grandma's birthday annoying - The site is still being developed, stay tuned, hopefully there will be a calendar in soon. Four entries in the guestbook! We have no idea who the "Lunchbox Legend" is although there is a list of likely suspects.
The girls went to Nana and Grandad's house tonight for dinner. CJ finished of Milly Molly Mandy (a book with long tongue twisting names) last night so no doubt Mum has hidden that one away for a while.
Grandma gets to Perth tomorrow. Pa went and saw the Doctor about his leg yesterday and all is healing well now. He's up walking around a little, trimming roses etc.
Sorry if you found the popup Grandma's birthday annoying - The site is still being developed, stay tuned, hopefully there will be a calendar in soon. Four entries in the guestbook! We have no idea who the "Lunchbox Legend" is although there is a list of likely suspects.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Email addresses needed
I forgot to mention.
Last week, we suffered a computer malfunction.
Please send me any email addresses you think I might need to know.
Last week, we suffered a computer malfunction.
Please send me any email addresses you think I might need to know.
Up and running.
Firstly, if you don't know Courtney, Brooke or their family and friends, you will most likely find this site very boring as it has been created for those people.
Basically, The Crane Girls' Dad wanted to learn how to put a website together and then maintain it - This is the result.
Hopefully it will grow - along with the girls - and soon enough they will be running the site themselves.
Stick around, sign the guestbook (Dad's proud of that part) drop in again soon and see if it's all crashed in a heap
Basically, The Crane Girls' Dad wanted to learn how to put a website together and then maintain it - This is the result.
Hopefully it will grow - along with the girls - and soon enough they will be running the site themselves.
Stick around, sign the guestbook (Dad's proud of that part) drop in again soon and see if it's all crashed in a heap
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