Yesterday, the girls went to the shops with Grandma, armed with a couple of dollars each to buy Dad a present. Three hours later they came home.
Fathers Day started with Courtney waking Dad, franticly saying “Dad, Dad… stay in bed okay!” A few minutes later, the girls came in with toast and a hot coffee. Dad was spoilt with a back massager, coffee mug, a key holder and key tag.

Dad also received a horse fridge magnet, a packet of colourful beads and a packet of open glitter glue pens. He also was given a nice book which contained pictures that the girls had drawn with the glitter glue pens….
We went back to Bunnings this morning for the kids workshop. Brooke had decided that the tool box that she made on Thursday, she wanted to give to Mum and the girls wanted to make another one for Grandad.

The girls spent a fair bit of the day blowing bubbles and this afternoon they rode (or got a tow on) their bikes to the park for a big play.

A really nice day.