Dad asked the girls today if they had anything that they wanted typed out on their site.
Courntey dictated;
"In two weeks Pa and Grandma will becoming down. We have been cleaning up the garden for Pa. We have been doing very good work. Pa and Grandma will be coming down soon to see the garden.2005. X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0X0.
Before you go Pa and Grandma, could you say goodbye to Uncle Scott, Aunty Tarita, Uncle Gava, Aunty Jodie, Cameron and James and Marcus. And don't forget Pa to water your plants before you go. I remember when Grandma and Pa told me, when I was a little kid, I used to say Hamma, where's the Pa? That was funny. When I was born, and Pa and Grandma took me to their house for the first time, I went waaaa and Pa said Hello little miss perfect"
Brooke said "I want my pony. Grandma and Pa like me"